Our Music
"I will sing to the Lord as long as I live..."
Psalm 104:33
Montreat Presbyterian Church honors the importance of music in our spiritual life and worship experiences. Through music we experience different ways to find meaning, beauty, and giving glory and honor to God.

Why Do We Sing?
Our choir music is rehearsed in preparation for weekly worship to give honor and glory to God, to provide worship leadership, and to enhance our worship experience. One of the main roles that choir provides is our service in worship leadership for the congregation. We do this through two ways: providing leadership to help the congregation sing and providing music that is rehearsed for worship services. Through not our main reason for singing, we, as choir members, benefit as well when we sing together and there is much research being done that shows how singing with a group improves our health: the act of helping to create music together exercises the brain, we find reduced heart rates, better immune systems with reduced stress hormone levels, and singing together boosts cognitive stimulation. Choir is often an important social connection for everyone that also helps improves health by helping us belong and feel connected to the community.
Chancel Choir
Weekly rehearsals are held on Sunday afternoons, with rehearsals taking place at 1:30-3:00 P.M. Upper Anderson.
We welcome those who want to try the uplifting experience of blending voices together in unison and harmonic singing. Interested singers can “come try choir” and often one of the Choir Retreats is a great time to begin.
We Sing:

Our Music Experience
Through a variety of music genres our church shares in congregational singing, choral music, and instrumental offerings. Our choir anthems and responses come from a wide variety of music styles – from classical to contemporary, global music of the world church, spirituals and Appalachian music, contemplative and Taizé styles, and more. Our music is rehearsed in preparation for weekly worship, and occasionally for other worship services in the community.
The choir enjoys two seasonal choir retreats held each year for Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter. Since Montreat is already a place of choice for retreats, we enjoy holding these full-morning retreats somewhere on the Montreat campus. These retreats involve singing through much of the music for the upcoming season and sharing fellowship and snack time together. Retreats are held for all choir members and if you are interested in choir attending a retreat is encouraged.
In 2024 we began a Harp Circle with a group of interested players, some who already had harp experience. Already this group is growing, and we welcome others who may be interested in trying their hands (literally) at playing this beautiful Celtic instrument.
The Psalmist (150) spoke of the sound of the trumpet, lute, and harp, timbrel and dance, stringed instruments and flutes, even loud clashing cymbals – all beautiful ways to bring musical gifts for the worship of God. If you play an instrument proficiently, we would like to involve you and your music to be part of our worship experience.
If you would like to be involved in choir or as an instrumentalist, please let our director, Vivian Hare, know your interest. All are welcome!